The Who and the What

After being inspired by MrMoneyMustacheJLCollins, and MadFientist for a number of years, we decided to create this space where we put up our net worth every month.

Who are we?
We are a mid-30s couple, with a pre-schooler (as of Feb 27, 2017), living the American dream. Both of us work. Details about us are intentionally vague since we are baring all our financial details on the web, we need an extra level of anonymity to shield ourselves from the bad guys. Or the real life friend who can identify us through the details strewn around here!

Our combined annual gross salary is over $250k.

We will refer to us as M and W. (Clever, right? Mary & William; Mark & Wendy; Man & Woman 🙂 – take your pick!) We’ll refer to our child as D.

Why this blog?
Two reasons:
1. To publicly, though anonymously, document what we are doing, all the while spurring us to save faster; and
2. By showing it to the world, inspire others that it can be done

What is Net Worth?
If you add up all your assets (bank accounts, retirement accounts, CDs, investments in the stock market, real estate investments, treasury bonds, HSA, 529 accounts etc.) and then subtract any and all outstanding loans and debts you have (car loans, mortgage, tuition loans, credit card debts etc.) the answer is your net worth.

Why is Net Worth important?
Net Worth gives you the single most reliable number where you are at the moment. Or how far you’ve come. Or where you need to be. To be Financially Independent and/or Retired Early (FIRE).

What is our goal?
To be FIRE by year 2023. That would mean all of our expenses at that point will have to come from our investments.

We will post our net worth, and the month-over-month changes, at the end of every month. We will also post yearly reviews. Besides Net Worth updates, we will also post our thoughts on variety of personal/general finance which we believe will help us and our readers.


This was initially a post here.